Monday, August 10, 2009

Oxidative stress and cancer

In the time of heavy oxidative stress fee radical damge overhelms the freeradical defence unit that try to repair the DNA damage, and can lead to mutation of the DNA. Oxidative stress can also damage on the genetic structure of the DNA , which can lead to abnormal growth of the cells.

When there is further oxidative stress to this mutated DNA of the cells more damage occurs .The cell will then grow out of control and take a life of its own.


Since cancer is a multi stage process that takes yeras to develop ,there are many oppurtunities arise to intervene in this process.


when ever possible eliminate the exporsure to carcinogens. below you can see the steps you should take immidiatly to decrease risk of cancer

1.stope smoking a low fat diet

3.Reduce your exposure to UVA and UVB ultraviolet lights

4.Be aware of other carcinogens like radiation, pesticides, herbicides, soot ect..


It is not possible to avoid exposure to all the carcinogens and chemichals in the environment,there for the best statergy is to maximize our own body's imune system and anti oxident defence . This begins with eating a healthy diet.

Homocystein and cardio vascular diseases

What is homocystein?

Homocystein is an intermediate byproduct that we produce when our bodies metabolize an essential amino acid called methionine. Methionine is found in large quantities in our meats, eggs, milk, cheese, whilte flour, canned foods, and highly processed foods. this homocystein must be converted to either cystein or meth ionine again .The enzymes needed to breake down homocystein in to cystein or back to methionine need folic acid vitamin b6, b12 to do thier job. If we are deficient in these nutriens, the level vof homo cystein in the blood begin to rise.

Is there any healthy level of homocystein?

Unlike cholesterol which the body required for the production of certain cell parts and hormones homocystein provides no health benifits. The higher the value of homocystein the greater the risk of cardiovascular dieasee. You want your homocystein levels to be as low as possible .

Oxidation of LDL Cholesterol

let us dicus about the oxidization of LDL in detail
When you look at the cross section of a typical artery you can see that it is a thre layer structure the first layer of cells is called endo thelium. The area just under the lining surface is called the sub endothelial space.and the third layer is the muscular layer.

inflammation of Endothelium

The native LDL cholesterol becoms trapped in the subenothelial space where it can be easly oxidised if there is there are not adequate anti oxidents available. The endo thelium is an extremely sensitive lining that is vulnerable to even the slightest irritations. Oxidized LDL cholesterol and exessive free radicals cuase the oxidative stress that injure the endothelium.

Stage 2:
Bodys Defense against inflammation

Our body has defense system to protect this endo thelium of artery. when injury occurs our body send certain white cells to eliminate the harmful oxidised LDL cholesterol. If this attept is successful the lining of artery will be reapaired. But this is not what uasually happens.when the monocyte white cells reacts with oxidized LDL , insted of eliminating the injury the LDL get gobbled with the white cells and finally a foam-cell is formed. This leads to a chronic inflammatory response in the area arouns the ining of our arteries.

Stage 3:

Chronic inflammatorry response
the inflammations attracts more white white cells the monocytes then stuff them selfs with more oxidized LDL cholesterol this leads to a much thicker plaque..This chronic inflammation also cause the muscle layer of the artery to thicken by aprocess called proliferation, as a result the artery begins to narrow.

Stage 3:
Rupture of these plaque

Most of the cases the final event is the rupture of one of these plaques and the clot that forms around a ruptured plaque.this cause the total closure of this artery which blocks the blood flow to that part of the heart.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Free Radicals: The Destroyer

What is a free radical , how it is formed in side our body ? befor going to learn about free radicals we need to know abit about cellular electronics. electronics is nothing but the conduction of electrons thorgh a semiconductor , the same way there is a conduction of electrons in between cells and oxygen. the mitochondria in side the cell act as acondutor in this case. role of mitochondria is to reduce oxygen by supplying 4 electrons. These 4 electrons are transfered throgh a series of coplex reactioons in the mitochondria, these are called electrone transfer chains. There are many enzymes and co enzymes in mitochondria that hav a major role in this electrone treansfer.Normally in a typical cell this 4 electrones are thransfered with out any problems but what happens if our mitochondria cant able to supply the required 4 electrones to oxygen. A free radical of oxygen is formed . free radical of oxygen is an oxygen atom with an unpaired electron in it. so the number of protones in the atome will be grater than the electron, this gives a positive charge to the oxygen atom.these free radicals of oxygen are highly reactive, and they need an electron soo badly to get order to get this electron, free radicals react with cell particles , LDL cholesterole, DNA, ect... this reactions will result in the oxidization of cell particles..

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Truth Behind Cardio Vascular Disease

Doctors always says that its cholesterol that creating all the according to them what we all need to do is to contorll our cholesterol levels..but there is one thing we need to remember, during 70's doctors considered any cholesterol levels less than 320 as normal..doctors used to say to their patients who had a cholesterol level of 280 to 310 not to worry because their cholesterol levels were normal.. and today a cholesterol levels greater than 200 is condidered abnormal and a cholesterol level greater than 230 place patients at a high risk of developing a heart attack.. today doctors are saying that LDL cholesterol is really bad.. but we need to think our ancisters lived with greater levels of cholesterol..they had less cardio vascular diseases compared to what we have today..then where is the real problem.. the real fact is that LDL cholesterol is really not that bad, the kind of LDL cholesterol that the body originally creats is gud and it is essential for building good cell membranes , other cell parts and many different hormons that our body need. we could not live with out it in fact if we dont get enough from our diet our bodies will actually makes this form of cholesterol. The truth is that we do not need to worry about the native LDL cholesterol.. in its native form its harmelss..then where is the danger ?

the next question is how LDL cholesterol got oxidised??

Have you ever heared about some thing called free radicals or reactive oxygen species?? [click here to know more about free radicals] it is free radicals that making LDL cholesterol dangerous..the problem begins when LDL cholesterol reacts with free radicals. After recting with free radicals the LDL cholesterol it self shows the nature of free radicals, they attack every thing that comes in its causes inflammations in the lining of the arteries these infalmmations are the real cause of a cardio vascular disease. [click here to know more].

So the point is there nothing to worry about the graeater levels of LDL cholesterol if it is not geting oxidized..and what we really need to do is not to reduce the LDL cholesterol levels but to eliminate the conditions in our body that makes the oxidization of LDL cholesterol. We need to reduce the production of free radicals in our body and we need to nutrilise the free radicals in our body by supplying antioxidents..this is what our body really expecting us to do