Monday, August 10, 2009

Homocystein and cardio vascular diseases

What is homocystein?

Homocystein is an intermediate byproduct that we produce when our bodies metabolize an essential amino acid called methionine. Methionine is found in large quantities in our meats, eggs, milk, cheese, whilte flour, canned foods, and highly processed foods. this homocystein must be converted to either cystein or meth ionine again .The enzymes needed to breake down homocystein in to cystein or back to methionine need folic acid vitamin b6, b12 to do thier job. If we are deficient in these nutriens, the level vof homo cystein in the blood begin to rise.

Is there any healthy level of homocystein?

Unlike cholesterol which the body required for the production of certain cell parts and hormones homocystein provides no health benifits. The higher the value of homocystein the greater the risk of cardiovascular dieasee. You want your homocystein levels to be as low as possible .

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